We need to make our voices heard to ensure that One Fair Wage becomes the law in every state and in Congress. To do that, we are collecting stories of service industry workers across the country to show our support for One Fair Wage for ALL. Please join us by sharing your experiences.

The need for One Fair Wage – a full minimum wage with tips on top – has never been greater than now. We returned to work to face very dangerous conditions, including increased health risks, hostility and sexual harassment from customers, all for a subminimum wage, with tips down 50-75%. This is long overdue. 

We are at a critical moment for tipped service industry workers. We are essential workers, yet we are facing unprecedented rates of housing and food insecurity, unemployment and poverty. 

Join the fight for fair wages by sharing your story!

Our Members

  • “[When the pandemic hit] Not only did the regulars change, but the whole demographic changed, and tips changed. The worst experience I had was with an older gentleman and his wife. He was the type of customer who required a lot of attention and time, and at the end of the service as I dropped his check he asked me to take off my mask so he could see if the bottom was as cute as the top. I said I couldn’t, and he told me since he couldn’t look at my face, it forced him to focus on my breasts.”


  • “It’s extremely expensive to live in the Bay Area, where a living wage is closer to $30/hour. Because of that, gigs are very competitive, and I’ve alway had to have 2-3 jobs at once to stitch together a livable income, and the constant hustling can wear on you mentally and emotionally. Then there’ll be times when a shift would be slow, and management would send me home early, thereby cutting my wage short for the day…We all deserve to prosper and live with dignity and respect, regardless of where we live or what we do. Having basic economic security will make it a little easier to fight our other battles.”


  • “The people of Washington DC voted to give workers like me a raise through One Fair Wage with tips on top, also known as Initiative 77. But the city council overruled the will of the voters. Now, the same thing is happening at the federal level. The White House needs to use their power and Raise The Wage now, for all workers, including tipped workers, youth workers, and workers with disabilities.”
