The New York Times: D.C. Is Raising Restaurant Pay. What Does That Mean for the Rest of Us?
The New York Times: How Raises to the Minimum Wage Are Changing Restaurants
NPR: One year in, here’s how Initiative 82 is affecting D.C. restaurant workers
Ms.: Subminimum Wage Is a Legacy of Slavery: Time for One Fair Wage
CNBC YouTube: Why The U.S. Won’t Do Away With Tipping
Eater Chicago: How Tipped Minimum Wage Bans Have Shaken Out Across the U.S.
Fox 32 Chicago: Brandon Johnson honored at Conference of Mayor for Chicago’s One Fair Wage ordinance
ABC Denver 7: Colorado lawmakers want to increase wages for tipped workers
Fox 31: Fair wage bill to be introduced at the Colorado Capitol
WKYC: Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb announces $100,000 grant program to help restaurants raise wages
WCVB: Lawmakers hold hearing on push to raise minimum wage for tipped workers
Total Food Service: One Fair Wage Makes Progress In Bay State Battle To Increase Minimum Wage
WBZ: State Officials Tag in as Tipped Workers Fight For Higher Wages
Mass Live: Fresh off 2023 wins, advocates eye hiking Mass.’ tipped wage in 2024
WCVB: Movement to raise Massachusetts minimum wage for tipped workers
WCVB: ‘It’s not right’: Push to increase minimum wage for tipped workers in Massachusetts
Greenfield Recorder: My Turn: Subminimum wage is a legacy of slavery - time for one fair wage
The Salem News: Workers look forward to a bump up in minimum wages in 2024
The Boston Globe: Should Massachusetts increase the minimum wage to $20 per hour?
WCVB: Advocates rally to get rid of minimum wage for tip workers
CT News Junkie: Labor Advocates Say It’s Time to Tip The Scales and Pay Minimum Wage to All Workers
Hartford Courant: CT lawmakers propose nixing tipped minimum wage again
WTNH: Bill would require minimum wage for tipped workers in Connecticut
CT Mirror: A CT proposal would eliminate tipped minimum wage. Her’s what to know
News 12: State officials proposing ‘one fair wage’ bill for all Connecticut employees
WFSB Eye Witness News: Hearing held over phasing out subminimum wage
ABC WMAR: State lawmaker makes push to pay tipped workers full minimum wage
ABC WMAR: Servers show up in Annapolis debating a bill to end sub-minimum wages
WBALTV: Tipped workers in Maryland who make sub-minimum wage want raise
The Real News Network: Local Lawmakers renew push for one fair wage in Maryland
WYPR: Maryland tipped workers call for wage increases amid Resaurant Week
Chicago / Illinois
Chicago Star: As Chicago ends its tipped minimum wage, restaurants face an uncertain future
Eater Chicago: The Battle Over Chicago’s Tipped Minimum Wage is Over
Eater Chicago: Evanston Debates Tipped Minimum Wage As Activists Declare Victory in Chicago
Eater Chicago: Chicago City Council Votes to End the Tipped Minimum Wage
USA Today: Historic change for tipped workers: Subminimum wage to end in Chicago restaurants, bars
Eater Chicago: How Chicago Phased Out the Tipped Minimum Wage
Chicago Sun Times: Why eliminating the subminimum wage for tipped workers matters so much to women
News Nation Now: Chicago expected to raise minimum wage for tipped workers
Eater Chicago: Chicago’s Tipped Minimum Wage Vote Coming Friday
The Wall Street Journal: Chicago Tipping Fight Brings Tough Choices for Restaurants
Illinois Policiy: Chicago eliminates subminimum wage for tipped workers
NBC Chicago: Proposed Illinois law would change wages for tipped workers across state
WGEM: Proposal would eliminate subminimum wage in Illinois
WTTW: New Proposal Would Change How Minimum Wage Works For Tipped Workers in Illinois
Click On Detroit: Michigan’s $15 min wage proposal certified for 2024 ballot: What to know
WoodTV: $15 minimum wage will be on the ballot next November
Detroit Free Press: Raising Michigan’s minimum wage to $15 per hour is goal of new committee
WNEM: The new year rings in wage increases for Michigan workers
Michigan Public: Michigan Supreme Court hears arguments over “adopt and amend"
M Live: Michigan court could change $3.84 tipped wage for restaurant workers
Patch: $15 Minimum Wage In MI Will Be On 2024 Ballot
Mid -Michigan Now: $15 minimum wage proposal set to be on 2024 ballot in Michigan
Washington DC
DCist: One Year In, Here’s How Initiative 82 Is Affecting D.C. Restaurant Workers
NPR: One year in, here’s how Initiative 82 is affecting D.C. restaurant workers
NPR: Here’s everything you need to know about D.C.’s initiative 82
The Washington Post: D.C. Council votes to cap restaurant service fees at 20 percentRestaurant Dive: DC passes bill that protects restaurants with service fees from litigation
New York
WKBW: One Fair Wage bill could nix subminimum wage for tip earners
Riverdale Press: Should tipped workers get paid minimum wage
Times Union: One Fair Wage needed retain state’s restaurant workers
Spectrum News NY1: Advocates, state lawmakers rally for fair wages for tipped workers
New Yorkers working for tips are pushing to be paid full minimum wage
September 2023
NBC Chicago: Could change be in store for tipped workers in Chicago?
August 2023
Eater Chicago: Evanston Debates Tipped Minimum Wage As Activists Declare Victory in Chicago
Eater Chicago: The Battle Over Tipped Minimum Wage Heats Up in Chicago
Connecticut Public Radio: Hartford mayoral candidates discuss economic justice
Chicago Tribune: Raeghn Draper: Why the subminimum tipped wage has to go in Chicago
WBBM Looped in Chicago (Podcast): Tap the screen to tip: Is 20% enough for your server to live on?
July 2023
Wall Street Journal: Why Businesses Can’t Stop Asking For Tips
Economic Policy Institute: Why the U.S. needs at least a $17 minimum wage
Center For Progressive Action: Higher State-Level Minimum Wages Aid in Faster Jobs Recovery
Chicago Tribune: Aldermen Push Progressive Measures on Wages, Paid Leave
Chicago Sun Times: City Council members to propose 2-year timeline for ending subminimum wage
The Guardian: Chicago aims to boost pay for thousands of restaurant workers
CBS Chicago: City Council introduces ordinance on fair wages for tipped workers
June 2023
Newsweek: Is Tipping Out Of Control? Podcast
Chicago Sun Times: Effort revs up to phase out ‘sub-minimum wage’ for tipped workers
DCist: Prince George’s County Will Give Restaurants Grant Money If They Raise Workers’ Wages
WP Rhode Island: New RI law will make wage theft a felony
May 2023
Wall Street Journal: Tipping at Self-Checkout Has Customers Crying ‘Emotional Blackmail’
Chicago Sun Times: Workers’ rights groups protest restaurant industry convention at McCormick Place
Politico New York: Budget bills, finally
Katie Halper Show: Susan Sarandon, Richard Wolff, Saru Jayaraman & Jenny Almanzar
April 2023
CBS News Sunday Morning: Tips on tipping: When, why, and how much
Newsweek: When Your Florist Is Asking for Tips, Something's Gotta Give | Opinion
Fox32: Chicago restaurant workers call out 'unlivable' wages
Zocalo Public Square: Why Restaurant Workers Can’t Win (CA)
Adasina: Investor Statement in Support of Ending the Subminimum Wage
March 2023
KQED Newsroom: Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao | Saru Jayaraman and One Fair Wage
Spectrum News: Business impact of potential minimum wage hike in New York debated
CT Insider: A noble food fight over minimum wage for servers at CT restaurants
February 2023
Rolling Stone: Elizabeth Warren Is Furious with the Restaurant Lobby
Washington Post: Restaurants can’t find workers because they’ve found better jobs
NPR: Maryland tipped workers call for wage increases amid Restaurant Week
LA Progressive: Is Tipping More of an Insult than a Reward?
January 2023
The New York Times: How Restaurant Workers Help Pay for Lobbying to Keep Their Wages Low
(Video) The Daily Show – How the Subminimum Wage Affects Disabled and Tipped Workers
(Video) MSNBC with Saru Jayaraman on the National Restaurant Association’s ServSafe Training
Washington Post: Restaurant group uses workers’ cash to lobby against them, advocates say
CNN Opinion: Food for thought for those mourning Noma
(Video) Morning Joe: How lobbying group uses restaurant workers’ money against them
Restaurant Dive: One Fair Wage slams NRA for linking training program to lobbying efforts
The Takeout: ServSafe Classes Are a Scam
Bernie Sanders Video Feature (Twitter)
December 2022
NonProfit Quarterly, Fair Wages Come to Washington DC
November 2022
AP, Controversial proposal to change pay for tipped workers approved by DC voters -- again
October 2022
New York Times: Battle Over Wage Rules for Tipped Workers Is Heating Up
Washingtonian: A DC Voter’s Guide to Initiative 82 and the Tipped Minimum Wage
New Republic: Restaurant Workers Who Love Tips Are Learning to Love the Minimum Wage Too
September 2022
Teen Vogue: The Subminimum Wage for Workers With Disabilities Is a Disgrace
August 2022
New York Times: Hulu’s The Bear and the Restaurant Industry’s Long Overdue Reckoning
Washington Post: D.C. tipped wage initiative remains on ballot after appeals court ruling
Ballotpedia News, Upcoming minimum wage ballot measures
July 2022
Eater, For Restaurant Workers Who Have Experienced Abuse, Support Groups Can Help
CNBC, Restaurants are short-staffed, and that’s taking a big toll on customers and workers alike
The Detroit News, Michigan judge’s ruling could lead to minimum wage hike for workers
NBC25 (Mid Michigan Now), Court ruling could mean changes to Michigan minimum wage law
Nation’s Restaurant News, Michigan judge rules for minimum wage increase, paid sick leave
Iron Mountain Daily News, Michigan judge restores minimum wage, paid leave laws
Patch, MI Lawyers Appeal Judge’s Ruling That Would Raise Minimum Wage: Report
Fox 2 Detroit, Push to get $15 an hour for state’s minimum wage on ballot gets one step closer
Yahoo News, Group delivers signatures to put $15 minimum wage on Michigan’s 2024 ballot
The Detroit News, Petitions submitted for ballot initiative to raise Michigan minimum wage to $15
Detroit Free Press, Group delivers signatures to put $15 minimum wage on Michigan’s 2024 ballot
WEMU, One Fair Wage turns in 610K signatures for 2024 ballot
Bloomberg Law, Hospitality Wage Growth Reignites Tipped Minimum Wage Battle
Woodtv, Stay on higher wages granted as restaurant industry warns of ‘Panerafication’
June 2022
Boston Herald, Tipped workers rally in Boston for equal pay
CNBC, Restaurants are short-staffed, and that’s taking a big toll on customers and workers alike
New York Times, The Rush to E.S.G., With or Without Elon Musk
WEMU, Fair lending submits signatures, several petitions push to next cycle
On Milwaukee, Comet Cafe returns this week with retro digs, nostalgic eats & new owners
Press Archives