November 2020 Election Recap

We write to thank you for your support of One Fair Wage's efforts to support and then mobilize thousands of low-wage service workers to vote in this very important election. Very excitingly, service workers voted in record numbers in MI and PA, including thousands that had never voted before, and also turned out to mobilizations to demand that all votes be counted.

This year, One Fair Wage & One Fair Wage Action:

  • Emailed, called and texted 228,316 service workers who had applied to the OFW COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund to vote, 66% of whom had never voted before! We were able to engage them by focusing on their wages as a reason to vote;
  • Developed nearly 2000 worker leaders in PA and MI to each mobilize dozens of their peers to vote through our peer-to-peer voter app, EMPOWER;
  • Through this peer-to-peer voter engagement program, mobilized nearly 50,000 low-wage worker unlikely voters to vote in MI and PA in this election cycle.

So many low-wage workers voters were inspired to vote by the fact that the Biden campaign endorsed One Fair Wage - a $15 minimum wage for all workers, including tipped workers. And they were then inspired to mobilize last week to make sure their votes - and all votes - were counted. Below are some images and news clips of service workers joining actions with our very own art piece - Elena the Essential Worker, Voter & American!


We look forward to working with you to continue to uplift the needs and voices of millions of service workers across the country!

In Solidarity, 

Saru & the One Fair Wage & One Fair Wage Action Teams




If you have not yet already, please sign our petition to give all workers One Fair Wage! For updates and to learn more about our work, follow us on social media: Twitter |  Facebook | Instagram 

The Democracy Center ATTN: One Fair Wage
45 Mt Auburn st
Cambridge, MA 02138
United States



November 2020 Update: The Momentum Continues


The Subminimum Wage for Tipped Workers as Public Health Crisis