One Fair Wage For Illinois Tipped Workers
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One Fair Wage For Illinois Tipped Workers

The subminimum wage for tipped workers is still just $8.40 an hour in the state of Illinois. While Chicago passed legislation to end the subminimum wage, Illinois has yet to end this direct legacy of slavery statewide. The subminimum wage impacts a workforce of nearly 196,000 tipped workers that is 71 percent women and 31 percent people of color, and an overall restaurant industry of 433,000 workers in Illinois. Even with tips, tipped workers in Illinois earn a median wage of just $14,590 a year and 18 percent of tipped workers receive SNAP benefits.

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A Win-Win Solution for Chicago
Illinois, Report OFW Comms Illinois, Report OFW Comms

A Win-Win Solution for Chicago

On May 15, 2023, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson signed his first executive order as mayor of Chicago. The order focused on boosting youth employment in the city and directed the city government to evaluate all possible youth employment programs and prioritize the issue.

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